Y. Benayahu, Y. Loya
DOI: 10.1007/BF02207848,
Helgol. wiss. Meeresunt., Vol. 30, 1977 (pp. 362-382)
Y. Benayahu, Y. Loya
DOI: 10.1007/BF02207848,
Helgol. wiss. Meeresunt., Vol. 30, 1977 (pp. 362-382)
Yehuda (Hudi) Benayahu
Marine Biology Lab
Tel Aviv University
Ph.D. students
Gabriele Henning (1991-1996)
Minerva Fellow, Department of Zoology and Parasitology, Ruhr- Universitat Bochum, Germany
Induction of settlement and metamorphosis in coral reef alcyonaceans (jointly with Prof. D. Hofmann, Bochum)
Uri Oren (1993-1999)
Regeneration and colony integration in scleractinian corals (jointly with Prof. Y. Loya, TAU)
Revital Ben-David-Zaslow (1994-1999)
Relationship between environmental parameters and reproductive features of the soft coral Heteroxenia fuscescens
Gil Rilov (1994-2002)
The whelk Stramonita haemastoma in the eastern Mediterranean rocky littoral: biotic and abiotic perspectives (jointly with Prof. A. Gasith, TAU)
Dafna Zeevi (1997-2003)
UV-Resistance mechanisms of soft corals and the involvement of their symbiotic zooxanthellae
Orit Barneah (1999-2005)
Micoscale events during the onset of coral-algal symbiosis (jointly with Prof. V. Weis, Oregon State University, USA)
Shimrit Perkol-Finkel (2001-2007)
Spatial and temporal interactions between artificial and natural reefs
Dror Zurel (2007-2012)
Lessepsian migrant bivalves as vectors for dispersal of marine bacteria (jointly with Prof. U. Gophna, TAU)
Chen Yoffe (2006-2013)
Selectivity processes, physiology and molecular mechanisms of zooxanthellae during initiation and maintenance of symbiosis
Ido Sella (2007-2013)
Biological, chemical and mechanical aspects of collagen fibers isolated from a soft coral
Anna Halasz (2010-2015)
Phylogeny of octocorals, family Xeniidae (jointly with Prof. C. McFadden, Harvey Mudd College, CA and Prof. R. Toonen, Univ. of Hawaii)
Yahala Rina Dor (2014-2020)
Ecology and Microbiology of the Lessepsian migrant oyster Spondylus spinosus (jointly with Prof. U Gophna, TAU)
Ronen Liberman (2017-2023)
The host-symbiont complex of mesophotic octocorals
MSc students
Dan Weil (1987-1990)
Life history features of the alcyonacean Litophyton arboreum in the Gulf of Eilat: Sexual and asexual reproduction
Michael Klainman (1987-1990)
Comparative life history features of the Sinularia species (Octocorallia: Alcyonacea) at Eilat
Miamon Dahan (1988-1992)
Clonal propagation and sexual reproduction of the alcyonacean Dendronephthya hemprichi
Ruth Goren (1988-1992)
Benthic communities on artificial substrata at Eilat (Red Sea)
Yael Barki (1989-1992)
Population ecology and genetic characteristics of the soft coral Dendronephthya in the northern Gulf of Eilat, Red Sea
Uri Oren (1990-1993)
Recruitment and survival of corals on artificial reefs
Gil Rilov (1991-1993)
Fish community on vertical reefs in the northern Gulf of Eilat: Structure of an existing community and initial recruitment on experimental installations
Revital Ben-David (1992-1994)
Longevity and competency of planulae of Octocorallia
Noga Shiloach (1992-1994)
Dynamics of initial settlement of fishes on artificial reefs at the Gulf of Eilat (Red Sea)
Dafna Zeevi (1993-1996)
The gorgonian Acabaria biserialis: a successful colonizer of artificial substrata
Sharon Ketzinel (1994-1997)
Chemical ecology of some South African soft corals (jointly with Prof. Y. Kashman, TAU)
Sigal Lozki (1994-1997)
Life history of zooxanthellate and azooxanthellate soft corals
Dovi Kelman (1995-1998)
The chemical ecology of the soft coral Parerythropodium f. fulvum (jointly with Prof. Y. Kashman)
Orit Barneah (1996-1999)
Soft coral transplantation as a means for reef rehabilitation in Eilat: ecological aspects and fine structural cascades
Tal Reichert (1997-2002)
Oxygen consumption rate of juvenile stages of the soft coral Heteroxenia fuscescens
Tali Yakobovich (1998-2001)
Kinetics of zooxanthellae acquisition by a sexual progeny of a soft coral
Shimrit Perkol (1999-2001)
Artificial and natural reefs in Eilat: Comparative aspects and interactions
Omer Polack (2000-2003)
Biology and Ecology of the zoanthid Palythoa tuberculosa in Northern Gulf of Aqaba (Eilat) (jointly with Prof. Y. Loya, TAU)
Sharon Levi (2000-2003)
Chemical ecology of some East African soft corals (jointly with Prof. Y. Kashman, TAU)
Ettie Sapir (2000-2004)
Testing the toxicity of TBTCI to Anthozoa and the antifoulant efficiency of Environmental-friendly silicone coatings (jointly with Prof. A. Gasith, TAU)
Edit Adler (2001-2006)
Infection of early developmental stages of soft corals with homologous and heterologous symbiotic algae
Anat Maoz (2001-2005)
Algal acquisition and specificity in soft corals (families Nephtheidae and Xeniidae)
Mati Halperin (2002-2004)
Recruitment of fish to experimental floating and fixed artificial reefs (jointly with Dr. M. Goren, TAU)
Inbal Ginsburg (2003-2006)
Ecology of the Red Sea gorgonian Clathraria rubrinodis
2003- 2006 Jonathan Sharon
Benthic communities associated with invasive bivalves in the Israeli Mediterranean coast (jointly with Prof. Y. Loya, TAU)
Ido Sella (2004-2007)
Development of a propagation protocol for cuttings of the soft coral Sarcophyton glaucum
Yael Zaldam (2004-2007)
Succession of benthic communities on artificial marine structures (AMS) in the Red Sea: A tool to evaluate AMS performance
Dror Zurel (2004-2007)
Distribution and specificity of algal symbionts in vertically transmitting soft corals (family Nephtheidae) in the Red Sea
Michal Grosovich (2005-2008)
Habitat partitioning of three azooxanthellate soft corals in Eilat (Red Sea)
Michal Weis (2006-2009)
Bivalves as colonizers of artificial marine structures at Eilat (Red Sea)
Dafna Aharonovich (2007-2010)
Soft corals of the family Xeniidae (Octocorallia) in the northern Gulf of Eilat: species composition and taxonomic importance of sclerite-microstructure
Yasmin Gabay (2008-2011)
Effects of seawater acidification on xeniid soft corals (jointly with Prof. M. Fine, BIU)
Ateret Shabtay (2009-2011)
Population dynamics of the invasive oyster Spondylus spinosus in the Israeli Mediterranean coast (jointly with Dr. G. Rilov, IOLR)
Natalie Shalev (2009-2012)
Development of benthic communities on a planned artificial reef at Eilat (jointly with Dr. G. Rilov, IOLR)
Yael Mandelberg (2010-2014)
Collagen producing octocorals of the genus Sarcophyton
Yehala Rina Roterman (2011-2014)
Bacteria in invasive and indigenous bivalves (jointly with Prof. U. Gophna, TAU)
Erez Shoham (2012-2015)
Octocoral community structure at Eilat (Northern Red Sea): mesophotic vs. shallow reefs
Ximena Velasquez Pedrosa (2012-2015)
Flat worms (Platyhelminthes) of the Israeli Mediterranean and Eilat shallow habitats (jointly with Diana M. Bolaños, Univ. of New Hampshire)
Ehud Gilad (2012-2015)
Bivalve assemblages as environmental indicator (jointly with Dr. Y. Edelman-Furstenberg, Israel Geological Survey)
Noga Perry (2012-2015)
Bacterial populations of soft and stony corals in different life stages (jointly with Prof. U. Gophna)
Ofir Gilad (2012-2016)
Biomechanical properties of an octocoral collagen fibers (jointly with Prof. R. Haj Ali, TAU)
Chen Piller (2013-2016)
Novel environmentally friendly antifouling paints: efficacy and toxicity
Camelia Gochev (2013-2017)
Settlement of octocoral planulae under flow: field and laboratory studies (jointly with Prof. G. Zilman, TAU)
Rachel Mailick (2014-2017)
Evaluating antimacrofouling compounds: The search for environmentally friendly antifouling treatments
Ronen Liberman (2015- 2017)
Reproductive and physiological traits of two mesophotic octocoral species in comparison to their shallow conspecifics
Iris Kremer (2015-2018)
Toxicity of novel anti-macrofouling compounds: are they environmentally friendly?
Reut Wengier (2016-2020)
Testing novel antifouling paints: field and laboratory approaches
Shay Tamir (2017-2023)
A comparison of the reproductive and morphological traits of mesophotic Sclerophytum octocoral species with those of their shallow-water congenerics