Y. Benayahu, Y. Loya
DOI: 10.1007/BF02207848,
Helgol. wiss. Meeresunt., Vol. 30, 1977 (pp. 362-382)
Y. Benayahu, Y. Loya
DOI: 10.1007/BF02207848,
Helgol. wiss. Meeresunt., Vol. 30, 1977 (pp. 362-382)
Yehuda (Hudi) Benayahu
Marine Biology Lab
Tel Aviv University
Erez Shoham
PhD student
Mesophotic octocorals
of Eilat, northern Red Sea
Elinor Nadir
PhD student
Pulsating soft corals (jointly with Prof. T. Lotan, Haifa University)
Shay Tamir
M.Sc. student
Contrasting life history
of shallow reef &
mesophotic soft corals
Stav Vaknin
M.Sc. student
Ontogenetic aspects of soft coral pulsation
Einav Lazar
M.Sc. student
The soft corals genera Cladiella
& Klyxum: taxonomy and their symbiotic unicellular algae
(jointly with Prof. C.S. McFadden, Harvey Mudd College & Prof. D. Huchon, TAU)
Yamit Romano
M.Sc. student
The ‘yellow spring’ in Apolonia beach: ecological & toxicological implications
(jointly with Prof. Y. Belmaker, TAU)