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An integrative approach to species delimitation, phylogenetics and biogeography


​Coral reefs are among the ecological communities most threatened by climate change, with some studies having predicted that they may not survive into the next century. Efforts to understand the ways in which coral-reef communities are changing and will continue to change are, however, impeded by a lack of basic knowledge of most of the invertebrates that constitute the vast majority of marine species, and that contribute in as-yet-unknown ways to the structure and function of one of the world's most biodiverse marine communities. Soft corals are the second-most abundant benthic organisms on most coral reefs, where they compete for space with the reef-building scleractinian corals. Differences in their responses and abilities to adapt to changing ocean conditions may be expected to shift the future dynamics of these two groups in ways that will fundamentally alter the structure and function of coral reefs and their species composition. Relative to the well-studied scleractinians, however, little is currently known about the soft corals: we do not know how many and which species co-occur and contribute differentially to these communities; or how soft coral assemblages change over space and time. At the root of this deficiency is taxonomic uncertainty: we lack the knowledge and resources necessary to discriminate among species and reliably identify them. The overarching goal of our research is thus to address this need by identifying all species of zooxanthellate soft corals found throughout the Indo-Pacific, and by generating reliable and up-to-date tools by which to facilitate such identification. We integrate DNA barcoding, sequence capture of ultra-conserved elements and exon loci, and documentation of morphological characters, in order to delimit species among the ~5,000 specimens currently available in museums or new collections. Concomitantly, all available type specimens are being documented using modern imaging, re-described where necessary, and sequenced to facilitate the assignment of correct (or new) binomens to species. Geo-referenced, expert-validated specimen data are compiled on a publicly available, searchable database with the capability to generate regional species checklists and interactive taxonomic keys. ​ Funded by the US National Science Foundation (NSF 7948609) and US-Israel Binational Science Foundation (BSF 2019624) and conducted jointly with Prof. Catherine S. McFadden, Department of Biology, Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, CA


INTERACTIVE STUDY ON THE ENIGMATIC ‘YELLOW SPILL’ AT APOLONIA BEACH: Biological, chemical, and eco-toxicological impacts

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​Apolonia Beach, Herzelia, has been suffering from a chemically polluted ‘yellow spill’ for the last 20 years. Earlier studies had revealed that the source of this color derives from NIPA compounds synthesized in the past by an adjacent explosives manufacturing plant. The groundwater that dissolves these chemical compounds flows into the aquifer prior to discharge onto the shallow sea floor. To date, most of the dedicated studies have dealt only with the chemical aspects of the NIPA, while none have examined the toxicological aspects or the accumulation of other compounds in the sediment or in marine organisms. Similarly, no study has focused on the possible effects on the benthic and pelagic communities at the polluted site in comparison with a control pristine one.  Our research addresses the hypothesis that the compounds in the yellow spill negatively affect the environment. Hence, we have adopted a multidisciplinary approach and engage with: (1) analyzing the pollutants in the seawater and sediment as well their bioaccumulation; (2) testing the ecotoxicity of the compounds; and (3) examining the community structure of hard and soft bottom communities as well as the fish community. The findings provide for the first time a deeper understanding of the full spectrum of the environmental impacts of the yellow spill.  It is expected that the insights derived from our findings will be applied to the restoration and conservation of Apolonia beach.   ​ Funded by the Israeli Ministry for Protection of the Environment and conducted jointly with Prof. Y. Belmaker (School of Zoology) and Prof. Dror Avisar (School of Environmental Studies), Tel Aviv University.


MAF WORLD • COST ACTION:  Marine Animal Forest of the World

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COST is an EU funding programme that enables researchers to set up their interdisciplinary research networks in Europe and beyond. We provide funds for organizing conferences, meetings, training schools, short scientific exchanges or other networking activities in a wide range of scientific topics. By creating open spaces where people and ideas can grow, we unlock the full potential of science. Major marine biodiversity hotspots occur within and around extended three-dimensional communities known as Marine Animal Forests (MAFs). MAFs are biotic assemblages mainly composed of suspension feeding organisms like sponges, gorgonians, hard corals, bryozoans, bivalves, etc., that form canopies like the trees or shrubs on land, thus creating underwater forests. As Aichi targets have been impossible to achieve by 2020, we need networks that allow working together for the same objective, with special attention to marine ecosystems as the MAFs. The MAF WORLD network aims to develop an integrative vision that will fuel research and steer future policies on crosscutting sustainability-driven issues related to the fragmented governance of these benthic ecosystems in coastal and open ocean waters, creating cross-sectoral platform for partners across academia, policymaking, and civil society, offering inclusive spaces for a transdisciplinary dialogue. We will also unify the protocols for restoration of the MAFs of the World, with nature-based solutions, to face climate change, natural disasters, and food supply. These submersed forests provide ecosystem services which are essential for hundreds of million people worldwide. In this UN decade of the oceans, we aim to provide the scientific basis for understanding and preserving the ecosystem services of the MAFs throughout the world. These ecosystem services are under increasing anthropogenic pressure and need a clear unifying picture to be shared with stakeholders and public. Developing a common protocol and gathering a consensus on the most appropriate tools to study and understand the animal forests’ role, will ultimately inform management, restoration, and conservation initiatives. The network aims to develop an integrative vision that will fuel research and steer future policies on crosscutting sustainability-driven issues related to the fragmented governance of these benthic ecosystems in coastal and open ocean waters, creating cross sectoral platform for partners across academia, policymaking, and civil society, offering inclusive spaces for a transdisciplinary dialogue. We will also unify the protocols for restoration of the MAFs of the World, with nature-based solutions, to face climate change, natural disasters, and food supply.


TASCMAR: Tools And Strategies to access original bioactive compounds from Cultivation of MARine invertebrates and associated symbionts


Due to the rich biodiversity and particular conditions of marine ecosystems, the ocean can provide an astounding variety of highly complex and unique biomolecules. Marine invertebrates are becoming widely recognized as a source of bioactive compounds and biomaterials with diverse commercial applications, from cosmetics and medical drugs to bioremediation. The TASCMAR project develops innovative technologies for the cultivation of invertebrates and their associated microorganisms in order to respond to a key challenge posed by the EU Blue Growth Strategy: to make the discovery and commercialization of marine-derived molecules more sustainable, efficient, and environmentally-friendly. Could marine invertebrates help us to treat disease and keep us looking young? To overcome current bottlenecks in taking marine-derived biomolecules forward from discovery to exploitation, TASCMAR researchers are assessing the bio-potential of the invertebrates, along with their micro-symbionts. Collections are conducted mainly at the mesophotic depth (30-120 m) in the Indian Ocean, the Andaman Sea, the Gulf of Thailand, the Eastern Mediterranean, and the northern Red Sea. We seek to extract molecules with potentially powerful anti-ageing bioactivity. These 'new' compounds offer potential ingredients for new medical drugs devoid of harmful side effects, nutraceuticals, cosmetic products, and technologies for bioremediation. A selection of in-vitro cell-based and in-vivo tests will be used to identify substances with anti-ageing properties. To ensure a constant supply of any potentially valuable compounds, the team is currently building pilot-scale equipment for their cultivation. With sustainability in mind, all activities are assessed for societal, economic, and environmental impact. ​ Funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, under grant agreement N° 634674.


BYEFOULING: Low-toxic cost - efficient environment - friendly antifouling materials

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The main goal of BYEFOULING is to design, develop, and upscale antifouling coatings with enhanced performance compared to the currently available products. The project addresses the high-volume production of low-toxicity and environmentally-friendly antifouling coatings for maritime applications. The vision of BYEFOULING is to provide the means for industrial, cost-effective, and robust manufacturing of antifouling coatings. A set of procedures, guidelines, and fabrication tools are now being developed, in order to shorten the time from discovery to market for new coating concepts. BYEFOULING integrates a multidisciplinary leading research teams from 11 European countries, which are already functioning worldwide in the scientific community, together with relevant and highly-skilled technological partners, in order to establish a consortium able to develop a full production line for antifouling coatings. BYEFOULING is aimed at providing a unique platform of solutions to the marine fouling problem through the collaboration among experts in fundamental research, applied technology, manufacturing, and the end-users. Prof. Benayahu's group plays a key role in the BYEFOULING project, conducting underwater and laboratory experimental work, and testing the efficacy and toxicity of the newly-developed products. ​ Funded by the EU FP7 Project “Low-toxic cost-efficient environment-friendly antifouling materials” (OCEAN for Tomorrow) under Grant Agreement No. 612717

Tel: +972-3-6409090

Fax: +972-3-6409403

School of Zoology, George S. Wise

Faculty of Life Sciences

Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv,

Tel Aviv, ISRAEL, 69978

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